When it comes to sweet wine, there are numerous winemaking processes in which the wine can get its sweetness, from fortification to late-harvest picking to halting fermentation. The…
You like…no…You absolutely love wine more than any other beverage on our God given planet. But let’s be clear about it, being a wine enthusiast doesn’t make you an alcoholic. Yet, you regularly have to explain and justify each and every glass of wine you drink while you’re cooking, reading or just doing something on your own. Share this article and help boost wine enthusiast awareness, if you can identify with at least one of the following situations.
- Your reaction if, once again, one of your friends brings a “total cheap but really delicious wine from Tesco!” to your party. But you can still see the orange colored price tag on the bottle and immediately know that’s not for you.
- If you’re the only person at the table that ordered wine. But everybody else ordered water. Keep on rocking!
- You think “What’s good for me, is also good for my food. That’s why I always drink a glass of wine while cooking.”
- You have recently started speaking in Wine. That turns you into an elegant vintage of 1985 (instead of being 30 years old).
- Your reaction when your innocent friends still believe in ancient wine myths like red wine for red meat, and white wine for white meat. Oh my God…
- Your sweetheart recognizes how your day went by how full your glass of wine is.
- “I don’t drink one glass of wine, but I drink six glasses. That’s called tasting and it’s classy.”
- You have just emptied your last bottle of wine and the stores are already closed.
- Your doctor has warned you: “If you keep drinking like this, you won’t get very old.” All you heard was: “Wine keeps you young.”
- Have you recognized yourself more than only once in this blog post?
By: Johanna Hofbauer
Half the excitement of buying a case of wine in one of those fancy wooden boxes is the box itself. Don’t get us wrong — we’re totally excited about having 12…
I played cello in an orchestra for seven years, and my right hand grew accustomed to holding a bow. Later, when I started collecting wine, …
A few weeks ago, I opened a bottle of California Zinfandel and found the wine as dull as nails. Since this is a vintage that a good friend raved about, I decided…
Pairing food and wine can sometimes feel like a pop quiz in chemistry. That’s because sometimes it actually is. That time you thought your favorite California Chardonnay would be a…
While I have found a great deal of truth in the saying that "wine only grows in beautiful places" not every bit of wine country is created equal. If you're…